Hope Stories with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN
Hope Stories with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN explores extraordinary stories of hope hidden within the ordinary lives we lead.
Sr. Josephine loves the transformational power and gift of stories, and their ability to reveal deep truths about the purpose and meaning of our lives. As a Catholic Christian writer, speaker, and mental health counselor, Sr. Josephine helps people discover and abide within places and relationships where they can be received wholeheartedly as gift.
In the first season, Hope stories with Black Catholics, Sr. Josephine had conversations with 17 family and friends. In season two Sister explores the intersection of mental health and faith with a variety of hopeful stories shared through intimate, honest, and grace-filled conversations.
Journey to a new depth of hope, even in seemingly impossible circumstances, with Sr. Josephine. Her new book, HOPE: An Invitation, is now available at osvcatholicbookstore.com.
Hope Stories with Sr. Josephine Garrett, CSFN
Desert Springs: Infertility with Ann Koshute
In this episode of the Hope Stories podcast, Sister Josephine Garrett explores the deeply personal and often overlooked experience of infertility with Anne Koshute, co-founder of the Catholic infertility ministry, Springs in the Desert. Anne shares her journey of dealing with infertility, its mental health implications, and the complex emotions of grief, shame, and identity it brings. The conversation highlights the importance of pastoral care in the church, the support needed from clergy, and the need for a deeper understanding of fruitfulness within marriage beyond biological children. Anne's story underscores the significance of mutual support in marriage and finding hope and purpose amidst suffering through faith.
- Springs in the Desert | Catholic Infertility Ministry (Co-founded by Ann)
- Episode Patron: Venerable Mother Luisita
- Book Recommendation / Holding Space for Joy: A Prayer Companion for Women Struggling with Infertility by Mary Bruno (OSV Publishing)
- Blog: In a Church That Glorifies Motherhood, This Is How I Cope with Infertility by Julie Taylor
Journey to a new depth of hope, even in seemingly impossible circumstances, with Sr. Josephine in her new book HOPE: An Invitation. Available at osvcatholicbookstore.com.
Discover more ways to live, learn, and love your Catholic faith at osvpodcasts.com. Sharing stories, starting conversations.
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